
Friday, April 15, 2016


Facebook is place where we share each and every, day to day incident with out friends, family in chat or status. Facebook is a biggest social media site with millions of daily users just because it has thousands of different features which make Facebook amazing. So Developers keep trying find bugs to make Facebook tricks and funny pranks. I already post few amazing tricks like To change facebook themes and background  and many more. But Some of them are just spam which may lead to compromise your account. I always suggest each and every user to use tricks which are only provided by famous blogs. Always try them on Testing account first then on original ID. Now here i am going share another amazing tricks to create facebook account with single name. As per rule it is not possible to Make account on Facebook without Last name. But if you want to make your Facebook profile with First name without using last name then simply follow my given steps.
Steps To Make Single Name On Facebook Account
First of all to use single name on Facebook. We need to Add manual proxy settings in our browser. So we need to use Indonesian proxy Search it at Google or i recommend to find it from or any other site of your choice.
If you have knowledge about Using proxy settings in browser then its good. 
  • After doing proxy settings manually or by using Hola extension make sure it is working fine on Facebook.
  • Now its time to create single name id to do this.
  • Open your Facebook Account Settings.
  • Change your language to Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Then edit your current Facebook profile name and Simply remove Your Last Name. After that review your name and Save it.
  • After that your Facebook Account is only using First Name and you will see that Last Name Hide.
  • After Completing all steps, Remove Manual Proxy or Turn off Hola and change your language back to English (US) or other according to you.


Internet explorer is very populor brower which is used almost all people who used windows operating is developed by microsoft and provides many features some of them are.
Disable Plug-ins:-If IE runs too slowly, or if it freezes up on you a lot, try disabling some of its preinstalled add-ons. Click Tools > Manage Add-ons > Enable or Disable Add-ons to see which add-ons are enabled. Select an add-on you don't want preinstalled, then click the Disable radio button under Settings to deactivate it.
Open Multiple Web Sites:-
Want IE to open two or more tabs when you start it up? Go to Tools > Internet Options, then type as many addresses as you want (on individual lines) in the "Home page" field.
Change Text Size:-
Hold the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel to change Web pages' text size: Rolling up makes it smaller, rolling down makes it bigger.
Tab Shortcuts:-
Hit Ctrl+T to open a tab so you can visit a new site without opening a new window; browse opened tabs without taking your hands off the keyboard by hitting Ctrl+Tab.
Create a Favorites Group:-
Want to group like-minded favorites in folders? Open new tabs to all the sites, then select "Add Tab Group to Favorites" under the Favorites menu, and then give the group a name. Now, when you go to the Favorites menu, just click on the folder to see all the related sites in one convenient place.
Redirect Pop-ups:-Pop-ups usually open in a new window, but you can instruct IE to open them in a new tab instead. Go to Tools > Internet Options, and under the General tab, select Settings in the Tab section. Under "When a pop-up is encountered:" click the radio button labeled "Always open pop-ups in a new tab."
Scrub Browser Cache:-
If you don't want your temporary files hanging around, you can instruct IE to delete them automatically every time you exit the browser. Go to Tools > Internet Options and open the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the Security section, then click the checkbox next to "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed."
Mouse-free Browsing:-
You don't need a mouse to surf the Web—many functions can be performed just with the keyboard. Hitting F11 will shift the browser into full-screen mode (and back again). Ctrl+E will move the text-entry cursor to the LiveSearch box. Hit Ctrl+D to instantly add the current site to your Favorites, and Alt+D to move you automatically to the location bar.
Disable Sounds in Web Pages:-
If you prefer your own digital music collection to the soundtracks to be found on some Web sites, you can tell IE to keep them quiet. Go to Tools > Internet Options and open the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the Multimedia section, and deselect the check box next to "Play sounds in web pages."


I had previously share some Interesting computer tricks,Internet tricks,Windows phone tricks as well as interesting Batch file programs. In this post we will learn with Raj Roushan some of the interesting notepad tricks.As name suggest you don't require any program other then notepad. So lets get started. trade center attack
As some of you might be knowing that the flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Center on that dreadful day (9/11) was Q33NY. Now call this trick a coincidence or anything else but whatever it is, it does startle us. you will be definately amazed by the this trick.
  1. First open Notepad. 
  2. Type “Q33N” (without quotes) in capital letters. 
  3. Increase the font size to 72. 
  4. Change the Font to Wingdings.
Now you will notice your will be converted into images which shows world trade center attack .

2.Matrix effect tricks
In this trick we will learn to make a batch file in notepad which will act as matrix effect that you might have seen in movies.Matrix effect is basically number flashes in green color.i would like to make clear... matrix effect is probably a bad word to use because matrix is an actual mathematical value container. And furthermore is commonly used in flash. And they look, nor act, anything like the "raining characters" visual effect as seen in the matrix movies.

1.Open the notepad by pressing win key+r and type notepad and hit enter key.
2.Copy this code in your notepad file.

@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

3. Now save this file as Matrix.bat (name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Open your saved file and you will have matrix effect on your screen.

3.Make your notepad as personal diary.
Do you know that you can use your Notepad as a simple digital diary or a personal Log-Book to keep record of your daily work instead of using boring pen and book ? Well, if you don't know then follow the below mentioned steps to make one for yourself !

1.First open up the Notepad.
2.Then Type in .LOG (in capital letters) and press enter.
3.Save it with any name and close it.
4.Open the file again.

When you open the file again you will see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line. This will happen automatically every time you reopen the the notepad file.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Hey Friends,yesterday I tell you how to play retro game in google search now i am telling How to play  arcade game in google.This is very simple tricks to turn your google search into arcade game.Most of time you feel boaring on internet you don't know what i do search then you need for entertainment you wanna to play music or watch video online but in this it consume more net data.then you must have to try this game online with no more internet data.
 simple you can search on google "zerg rush" then your arcade game will start  to play.
          I hope this tricks is useful for you and you must like this.


Hello to Everyone,Today you will learn with Raj Roushan,How to change Folder icon style and color.
As we know that folder is like container which store your data like images,video,software,music etc.
And folder icon show by default yellow in color But if you wanna to change your folder icon or color with Raj Roushan you must read this post carefully,.If you like this tricks and any query related to this post please leave comment
Step to change folder icon style..
Step 1:-Right click at folder icon which you  wanna to change.

Step 2:-Click at change icon under the customize tab and select your icon style which you like.
Step 3:-Now click at ok and click at apply then ok.then refersh  your desktop.                                                        
Steps to change folder color..                                                                                                                   Step 1:-Download the software "folder colorizer" from internet                                                      
Step 2:-After successfully install this software.Now right click at folder icon which you wanna to change .                                                                                                                       
   Step 3:-Now click at colorizer then select color which you like.                                                               

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Play a retro game with Raj Roushan with this tricks.Retro game is very populor game.This tricks is applicable for any browser.for this tricks your browser turn in a retro game.
Simple steps follow to play this game.
Steps 1:-Open the Browser
Step 2:-Search on google."Atari Breakout"
Step 3:-Click at images.and your game will ready for play.


Learn How to change facebook themes with Raj Roushan. As we know that facebook is very populor social networking sites.And facebook provide only one default themes.But if you wanna change this themes you must read this post and learn this tricks with Raj Roushan..If any query generate in your mind then leave a comment.
Steps to change facebbok themes...
Step 1:-Download stylish from chrome web store.
Step 2:-Add this software as chrome extension..
Step 3 :-Open the login facebook page.and click at S button.                                                                   step 4:-Click at find the stylish ..                                                                                                                      
Step 5:-Now select your themes and download this themes.  Now your like this.                                                              


Hello Friends,Today day I am going to tell you how to brings onscreen keyboard on your monitor screen.This tricks is very useful whenever your keyboard is break down.that time your important works has gone in pending due to unavailable of your keyboard.That time this tricks is very useful proves for you.Onscreen keyboard is a virtual keyboard is shown your your desktop.
Steps to bring onscreen keyboard on your monitor screen.
Step 1:-Right click on your monitor toolbar.
Step 2:-Then click at Toolbar.A sub option will open then choose Touch keyboard.
Step 3:-Now your toolbar shown a small keyboard like this.
Step 4:-Now click on this onscreen keyboard shown on your monitor screen.                                                           

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How to use Browser as Notepad...

Hey Friends this is new tricks of any browser.I mean this tricks is applicable for any browser.If you wanna use your browser as Notepad.Today I am going to tell you How to use Browser as Notepad.Some time you need to copy paste or typing form your searching result,then you must start your notepad to content.But this tricks says you can start your notepad in your browser.
Steps to use Browser as Notepad....
Step 1:-Open your Browser.
Step 2:-copy this link on your browser address bar..


Another link works same as but in night mode..

           data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%20<title>Notepad%20(Nightmode)</title>    <body%20contenteditable%20style="font-family:%20DejaVu;font-weight:bold;background:#1E1E1E;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:1rem;line-height:1.4;max-width:80rem;margin:0%20auto;padding:2rem;"%20spellcheck="false">

Note:-you must have to try this tricks.. If you any query plz leave a comment.

How to open multiple sites by single click of mouse button....

Hello everyone,Today i am going to How to open multiple sites by single click of mouse button.Generally people use browser chrome,explorer,mozilla etc. Ans for multiple site general user.first open the browser.then enter first site name like "" then click new tab again enter another sites like "" and for another site click at new tab and another site name like ""and so on...But this tricks you can open multiple sites by single click of mouse.
How to use this tricks.....
Step 1:-Open the Run by pressing "win key + r" and hit enter key.
Step 2:-Type "Notepad" and hit enter key.
Step 3:-Copy this code
            @echo off
Step 4:-Save this file with extension *.bat for example "site.bat".
Step 5:-Now click at this notice that multiple site open in separate tab.
Note:-you can change site name as your requirement.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Hii Friends,Have you ever wondered how your computer speak whatever you are typing.This is very interesting fun with your computer.This is done by simple creating a vb script.In this script your computer are able to speak whatever you are typing.
Now I am telling how to do this....
Step 1:-Open Run by pressing "Win key +r".
Step 2:-Type "Notepad" and press enter key.
Step 3:-Copy paste this code.
        Dim Message,Speak
        Message=InputBox("enter the text","Speak")
        set Speak=CreateObject("Sapi.spvoice")
        speak.speak Message
Step 4:-And the save this file with extension for example "speak.vbs"
Step 5:-Now open this a dialogue box will open.and type any text,whatever you it will speak.


Hey Friends,Now I am going to discuss some useful command to shutdown your computer.Normally general user don't know about command prompt but it is very can do everything with the command prompt.For use the command prompt First open the "Run" by press win+r,Then type "cmd" and press Enter key
Some commands are:-
  1. Shutdown-s To shutdown the computer.
  2. shutdown-r To restart the computer.
  3. shutdown-l To log out current user.
  4. rundll32.exe To hibernate the current user.
  5. shutdown-s-t 60 To shutdown computer at specific time.
  6. shutdown -s-t 500 -c "i am tired" To shutdown computer at specific time with reason

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Hello Friends,Today I am going to tell How to use Hard disk as Ram.It will increase your  system is not possible to whole hard disk treat as RAM.Only some amount space of Hard disk treat as RAM.As we know that RAM is responsible to your system performance.
Some simple steps to follow:-
Step 1:-Right click on my computer

Step 2:-Click at properties.

Step 3:-Click at advanced tab and after click at "setting" under performance

Step 4:-Click at Advanced tab and then click at change

Step 5:-Click at Custom and set memory space not more than
Step 6:-Click at OK and restart the computer.