Hii,Friends,Now i am going to tell you How to increase system performance.Most of the time our system works slowly or take more time to start your computer.Because of many application runing in the background due to this your system take long time to start system or work slowly.For this you may need to increase system performance.There are many ways to increase your system performance and I am telling one way to increase system performance.
Steps to increase your system performance.
Step 1:-Open the run by pressing "win+r" key.
Step 2:-Type this "msconfig" and press Enter key.
Steps to increase your system performance.
Step 1:-Open the run by pressing "win+r" key.
Step 2:-Type this "msconfig" and press Enter key.
Step 3:-Select the normal startup from general tab.
Step 4:-Input the time 3 sec from Boot tab.And click at advance option.and select number of processor.
Step 5:-Click at startup tab and open the task manager.And disable the startup option.
Step 6:-Finally Restart your computer.